Thursday, August 26, 2010

Good Person, Bad Person

Good Person, Bad Person is the first lesson of the six.
First off, who is a stranger? Many will say that a stranger is someone wearing a trench coat, or a creepy old man. But the truth is, anyone you don't know is a stranger. They could be mean or nice, big or small, male or female, but if you do not know them, they are a stranger.
Children and parents should have a code word that they can use in an emergency. For example, the parents can tell their friend the code word if they need them to pick up their child from school. If the child is suspicious, they can ask for the code word. If they know it, they can go with the friend, but the child should know that if the person does not know the word, they should not go anywhere with that person. It could be anything, but both parties must remember it!  Remember, don't talk to anyone you don't know either!
Answering the Door: What should kids do if they hear a knock at the door? Look through the peephole or ask through the closed door to see who it is, or get an adult to answer the door. Or they can just ignore it!
Answering the Phone: Ignore it and let it go to voice mail. Or they can answer it. If the person the caller is looking for is out of the house, tell them they are in the shower or unavailable. If the caller asks any questions, tell them an adult can answer them when they are available.
Don't have your name visible. People can pretend to know you if they know your name.
If someone tries to talk to you, you don't have to answer them! Be safe, not polite!
If you are ever in a situation or place where you don't feel safe, tell a trusted adult until somebody listens!
Use the buddy system. There is safety in numbers!
If someone tries to take you somewhere and you don't know them yell "I don't know you!!"
Remember "NO, GO, TELL."
Say NO. GO away. TELL an adult.

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